Coimbatore – Manchester of Tamil Nadu
Coimbatore is one of the most developed cities in Tamil Nadu. It is famous for motorized pump sets and textile factories. There are many popular textile factories located here so they are often called Manchester of Tamil Nadu. People come to Coimbatore for educational purposes, business purposes, and medical care. There are many world-class hospitals located here with all modern facilities. All of these things give Coimbatore a cosmopolitan view. But still, the people in this city are very simple and traditional with down to earth personalities.
People flock to Coimbatore for work purposes too
The information technology industry is one of the fastest-growing industries here next to Chennai in the state of Tamil Nadu. Although Tamil is the mother tongue of the people who live here, all educated people speak English too. So this can be said more as an important industrial place than tourism.
Arterial Road
Six major …
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